#FTWD: Minotaur / The Diviner

Fear the Walking Dead is back and everyone is just following Madison.  Except for Troy.  I've been watching Big Brother all summer so things are becoming a little blurred for me.  It feels like everyone has alliances and strategies to stay alive and win.  Or kind of like Game of Thrones, which alliance will win.

Welcome to the Madison show, starring Madison the Magician!  Because how else do we explain everyone else just doing whatever she says?

They're all idiots and the writers have things set up to look like Madison will win.

Alicia is on Madison's side but she wants Jake to sit on the Iron Throne and run things.  Madison and Walker are really running things.  They seem to be the only adults there.  

So far everyone has just been doing whatever Madison wants.  It's almost she has special powers of persuasion.  Madison says hey hand over the keys to Walker and Troy just does it.  There isn't really a reference of time so it feels like it's just hours later that this lasted. 

All of that only happened because of the short-sighted drunk member of The Militia, Terrance. He decided to try to get revenge for Gretchen. 

It took me so long to remember who Gretchen was, then I remembered and I'm pretty sure if the roles were reversed she wouldn't try to avenge his death at all.

An hour into the show - fully stocked with commercials not much has happened.  Nothing that wasn't obvious.  Troy went off the rails and then Nick confessed to killing Jeremiah.  Surprisingly he did not kill Nick - not sure why.  Because he's confused?  Because Nick is white?  Not sure!

Madison figured a way to save Troy.


Because of Jake?  

The name of the episode is Minotaur it means "head of a bull" and body of a man.  So, is this because Troy is bullheaded?  Or is it Madison that's the bullheaded one?

I'm not saying Madison is blood thirsty and that they should kill everyone that's a problem for them but Troy obviously wants to die.  So I'm pretty sure we should grant his wish.  All he's been doing is causing all kinds of problems and issues for everyone that's really unnecessary.  

There are things going on with Daniel Salazar but I really haven't been able to relate it to the rest of the story.

The writers and producers really decide to confuse us with Troy torturing Nick.  But he's been exiled to a box?  And he's having a mental break down and hallucinating.  But after a few drinks of water, he's just fine and ready to take on what life throws at him next.

I was thinking earlier these idiots didn't hide at least ONE gun from Walker's people?  But they did, they approach Nick, in a very disturbing way, in the middle of the night and tell him they're ready to throw down with him like he threw down with Troy before Troy was exiled.  This makes me laugh because they told him they're ready to back him up but here we only have one gun and it's yours. 

When I first started watching this show Madison was VERY VERY protective of Alicia.  Don't tell Alicia this, don't tell Alicia that.

If you're ever wondering WHY no one ever tells Alicia anything.  THIS is why.  She wins idiot of the episode but it was a tie between her and the guy who tried to take revenge for Gretchen.

She just told a group of rabid angry, hot, hungry and thirsty people there's only six weeks of water left.  Before then Madison runs into Victor Strand and I would be more excited about that but I'm too distracted by this "marketplace" Madison and Walker have found.  

Madison conveniently runs into Strand saves him and she's nicer to him than Daniel is because Madison understands survival moreso than revenge and so Strand has joined her alliance.  Also, Strand knows where water is so she rescues him, he's in her debt and now they're on their way to find that magic water Strand found earlier in the season.  Got it?  Good.

These first two episodes were lagging a little but I expect that out of set up episodes, I think the rest of the season will be great.


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