#AHS: Cult - They're Asking for A lot

Image result for american horror story cult cast

I'm really wondering how much care is given to the viewer when they write these episodes. Judging by what I've seen on social media I might be in the minority of people who liked Roanoke Nightmare.  But here's my thing with the theme of this season.  I made it my mission to not fight with people on facebook about the election all the time, or anything really. So having a show centered around the theme of "not listening to one another as a nation" makes me feel like the show is using the anger from the election and the continued divide to get ratings.

So the show is about the election.  And I know there's only been one episode and so far I ask myself, does it have to be?

I don't see anything at all YET of where this show HAS to mention the last election cycle.  Right now that part feels like filler.

I also didn't appreciate the false beginning of Twisty being back.

It's episode one and Sarah Paulson makes me want her wife to leave her.  I'm usually more sympathetic when television couples are going through hard times, you want them to rally and pull through but I'm just waiting for Allison Pill's character to leave Sarah Paulson because at some point it isn't a marriage, it's one person taking care of another person and you're the only adult in the relationship.  It's draining for me to watch her always rushing to her wife, what is it?  what's wrong? what do you see?


And I finally figured out what's been bothering me about the clown scenes.

They aren't doing anything to her!

I get that she's scared of clowns (again dunno what that has to do with the election unless clown is a a metaphor for politicians) but none of them actually attack her, yes one waved a knife at her in the most well-stocked supermarket I've seen in my life watching Sarah Paulson's character have her fourth freak out of six freak outs IN JUST EPISODE ONE I'm just over her.

The name of their restaurant is "The Butchery"?  Why?

I also don't understand the Kai character, he threw a drink at the couple.  Which makes me think did he know they were gay, was it a hate crime?  But how did he "know" has he targeted them for something else?  There's no way he could have overheard their conversation from where he was.

That creepy brother sister scene was odd was that her initiation into the cult?  Then there's Evan Peters throwing condom filled piss.

And they stood there and let him throw it?

After we see what they've done to him he didn't look nearly as beat up as he should have been.

Oh gosh, Sarah Paulson telling her wife, this is fun.  Of course, it's fun, FOR YOU, you're the one sitting there doing nothing but stuffing your face.

One of my theories is the wife is trying to drive the other wife crazy.  Dunno why!  But she's always alone when the creepy stuff happens.

The "clown" during Ally's fourth freak out in the restaurant was wearing a striped shirt.

I feel like this was basically the entire episode
Image result for ally  american horror story

The episode ends with Ally rolling over and there's a clown in her bed so yeah I think the wife is messing with her.  The knife the clown is holding in the supermarket is very similar.

american horror story cult cast


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