The Westworld Podcast

I have been extremely fortunate enough to find jobs that allow me to listen to podcasts and such while I work.  Great for me bad for my phone battery!

I really wish everyone would all agree on one platform to have their podcasts on because I have about three apps in my phone to listen to the podcasts I want.

I didn't start listening to podcasts heavily until I started watching Westworld.  I know people don't like to be spoiled when it comes to shows like Westworld, it's the kind of show of where you can follow along with what's happening as the show airs OR you can go online and speculate with everyone else, which I think is more fun.

There's a LOT of podcasts out there for Westworld.  Last year there were 26, I'm glad I double checked because in my mind I was thinking 70.  26 Westworld Podcasts

The one podcast I really like: The Westworld Podcast

Westworld was on around the time or during the election so it was kind of my escape from all of that stuff, these guys don't discuss politics in their podcast.  They're pretty humorous they give a lot of background information that I like and they have a format that they follow.  It's not just two guys talking with a bunch of dead air or whatever.  They're so funny, they renamed a character ClementinePennyfeatherbestname.  People have actually gotten mad at their #dongwatch and it's a joke.  It's not their whole podcast they mention it from time to time.  I just think they're funny guys and they have a good show going.  

I don't have many friends that watch this show so these guys are kind of my way to understand more about the show and what's going on.

One of the guys lives in Japan, I wonder how Westworld looks in Japan how that audience takes to the show.

These guys look up information I don't want to scrawl through google to find.

They also have a movie club that I tried to follow with but I lost interest.  I think they should have done 3:10 to Yuma.  That's one of my favorite movies so I'll listen to that podcast

Westworld isn't coming back for another year so that sucks.  I don't know how this podcast is going to keep up the momentum but we'll see.  I enjoy this podcast so if you're looking for a good Westworld podcast check these guys out.

I'm catching up on their podcasts and they just gave me a shout out Westworld Season 2 Production Update.  I never expect those shout outs and they crack me up!!!

James became a dad!  Congratulations!
And Ryan is running a Fire Extinguish Company, how does that even work????


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