The Journey...The Visions of Koto-Ryin

In case you did not know, and if you didn't it means that my marketing and advertising skills are not as sharp as I think they are, I've written a book.  It's self-published...Don't run away!

It's called The Visions of Koto-Ryin.  It's a science fiction novel that's a spin off from my father's scifi novel, Escape 2 Earth.  His novel revolves around the humans who have to escape Earth before the Dec 21, 2012.  There's subterfuge evil aliens, evil humans and a ticking clock.  But on the other side of the universe there is the Spiral Galaxy who have their own problems.  That's where I come in.

The Visions of Koto-Ryin is actually a collection of short stories that I've written after I finished the first draft of my novel.  Making the Visions of Koto-Ryin a novella.  I've also written a currently untitled novelette which will be out late this spring/early summer.

Have a few questions?  You're at the right place.

Who is Koto-Ryin?
She is an assistant to the religious figure Elder Senex on the planet Deltor.  She suddenly begins to get visions of the past of long forgotten warriors, the protectors of Deltor who she believes are returning.

She visits with a soon to be Oracle from the planet Xanar named Nolan.  She doesn't know who else to trust, so she chooses him to share the visions with.  The Visions are separated in five short stories:

Battle at the Revkar Portal
The Attack of the Skyro
The Vadarian Nightmare
The Return of the Skyro
Betrayal on Kitnar

Even though I wrote the novel first I decided to go back and to write the Visions of Koto-Ryin to clarify what is going on in the novel.  You can read the novel without reading the Visions of Koto-Ryin, but it would give a fuller picture.  The novel will be out by September.  I'm working on it now.


I've recently finished a novelette I'll either title it The Third Cugan OR Assault of the Telda.

That story will go into a book filled with more short stories and another novelette written by my father.  Interested, have any questions?  Feel free to ask.  Please check out my web site


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