Escape 2 Earth Universe Anthology Cover Revealed

I need a creative outlet and while I've tried my hand at fan fiction, leading all the way back to my days of Sailor Moon - yes, somewhere around my house there's a Sailor Moon fan fiction, I was 13 okay!  Deal with it.  And then leading up to my days of Sliders.  Yes, there's a Slider's fan fiction around my house too.

I decided that writing my own stories is it's own reward.  While my father and I are on our quest to find a literary agent and ultimately a publisher we've decided to go on ahead and produce our own novels, while in the meantime looking for that special someone to say those magic words, "Yes, I would love to represent your work."

Even though, friends and family members for the exception of one or two don't share our passion for writing for scifi we will continue doing what we love.  So we work and work and work all hours of the day and night, promoting and writing.  We have this whole universe constructed in our minds born from his one novel, Escape 2 Earth.  We get a lot of positive feedback, he even gets hand written letters from time to time from someone in New York.  Fun.

As an extension of The Escape 2 Earth Universe, we've written two novelettes, one novella, and a few short stories.  He has written two novels and is working on the last one in the series.  I am currently writing my novel in the universe that we will release during DragonCon this fall.  But in the meantime we will release an anthology of the novelettes, the novella and the short stories.

The Anthologies of The Spiral Galaxy

Short Stories   
Planet of Doom   
Terror on Telderan   
Danger on Deltor   
Assault of the Telda 
Murder on the Eros Star  
The Visions of Koto-Ryin   
Return 2 Earth and my unreleased titled novel will come out this fall.  Once DragonCon gets back to us.  ;)


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