My Hiatus Explained: Part Two

In addition to the flurry of life changes I mentioned in my last post, my husband and I also plunged our hands into the rich, nurturing soil of a new endeavor - a yearly garden. There's something profoundly therapeutic about connecting with the earth, planting seeds, and watching them burgeon into vibrant life over time. I'm currently working on a video that chronicles our agricultural journey this year, so stay tuned for that.

Another delightful rediscovery from my hiatus has been my relationship with my flute. Its origin story in my life harks back to my childhood, a time when the desire to learn an instrument sprouted in my heart. After some deliberation, my parents agreed to my request, paving the way for the arrival of my beloved student flute. I recall seeing the payment receipts - sometimes $60, occasionally stretching to $90 - significant amounts back in 1994. 

I cherished my flute and reveled in the joy of performing and participating in recitals. However, the lessons themselves were not always harmonious. By the 8th grade, the extracurricular nature of these lessons seemed secondary to my regular schoolwork. The joy began to wane as my instructor's tone shifted from instructive to irate, often yelling at us for various reasons. If my fellow students and I didn't practice, her frustration was palpable, often spending half the lesson correcting and admonishing us. 

This oppressive environment led to me accidentally leaving my flute behind more often than not, until eventually, I stopped attending. But the spark for playing the flute, the pure joy of producing music, never truly died. Moving onto high school, I decided against continuing lessons, a decision largely dictated by the perceived additional demands it would impose. 

Looking back, it's tempting to wonder if I should've stuck with it. But I don't believe there's much value in dwelling on what could have been. Instead, I prefer to focus on the present and the potential it holds. 

So here I am today, reacquainting myself with my old friend, working on achieving a clear sound, and reliving the joy that playing the flute once brought me. Yes, I'm rusty, and yes, I could probably benefit from a few private lessons. But more than anything, it's the process of dedicating time to an old passion that matters. Amid the flurry of being an employee by day and a mother and wife by evening, it's vital to set aside time for personal growth and enjoyment.

Retaining a piece of my individuality within my busy life, no matter how discordant it may sound now, feels like striking the right chord. My journey with the flute, much like my journey in life, is a testament to the importance of self-care and personal growth - lessons that I hope to pass on to my daughter as she carves her own path. 

Stay tuned for more updates on my journey back to blogging, motherhood, and my ever-evolving life!


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