I was watching Burn Notice yesterday and I noticed, that they're opening is well, redundant. At first I was cool, ya know, my name is Michael Weston, oh yeah! Get on with the show, and now all these seaons later his name is still Michael Weston and the opening is still the same. Sometimes I don't mind it when the opening stays the same, like on these shows: 1. Roswell If you know me, then you know Roswell is my favorite show. It had and still does have a lot of potential, I mean, come on, if we can bring back the Smurfs we can bring back Roswell. This is one of my favorites because Dido is one of my favorite singers. This isn't the opening I wanted. I wanted the first season but could not find it. 2. True Blood Because the opening looks like soemthing you could film but once you thought about it, it would take a whole lot of time to do. Besides were in the world would I find a dead fox to film anyway? 3. Mad Men No other ope...
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