Three TV Pilots

TV Pilot News - Unconfirmed if these shows have been picked up yet.

Fran Kranz (Dollhouse) and Danneel Harris (Harold and Kumar Movies)
These two are in a pilot for a comedy tv show called "Friends with Benefits".  Wasn't that a tv show just called "Friends"?

The title of the show bothers me, as that phrase and type of relationship has always bothered me, but it's a tv show, don't worry about me, I will get over it.

What is the show about?

“Benefits,” directed by David Dobkin, explores romance through the eyes of five friends, each looking for “the one” but in the meantime settling for “friends with benefits.” It centers on Ben (Adams), an Everyman who, while waiting for Ms. Perfect to come along, enjoys a relationship with Sara (Harris), a doctor trying to find Mr. Right.

Well see if it gets picked up.  I think every pilot should get a chance.  Air it on tv instead of running a rerun that everyone's seen already.  The networks are always deciding what they think is good and what isn't.  Give everyone a chance to see it first.  I mean, The Beautiful Life got on tv didn't it? heh, at least I tried.

Summer Glau (Firefly, Dollhouse, Mac's Stalker from The Unit)
Smallville without Superman???  She's going to star in a show called The Cape.

I'm really starting to think that five seconds are spent on the title of the show.  The Cape?  Wasn't there a show already called The Cape?

What's The Cape about?
The Cape stars David Lyons, an ex-cop who done a secret identity to clear his name. More importantly, Glau herself will play “Orwell”, and if looking at the description of her character offered up by THR:
…a cute and intrepid investigative blogger named Orwell who bravely exposes corruption and costumed bad guys.
The character is also capable of getting physical and “kicking ass”.
I remember when I first saw her on Angel.  Waiting in the Wings is one of my favorite episodes mostly because of the first glimpse we see of Dark Wesley.  So much so I wrote a short story involving a ballerina called Murder in the Wings.  Two totally different stories but that's where the idea came from.

David Tennant (Doctor Who) and some guy named Jerry O'Connell (Sliders)

Rex Is Not Your Lawyer
Seriously!!!  Who is naming these tv shows??!!!!

What's this show about?
I consider this a huge coup for NBC. After traveling through time and space in the TARDIS the past several years, it looks like Doctor Who's David Tennant is heading stateside to take the lead in Rex is Not Your Lawyer. Tennant will star as Rex, a top Chicago litigator who becomes so crippled by anxiety that he takes to coaching his clients into representing themselves.


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