The Roswell Reboot (My Way)
I would not pick up where we left off at in the tv show, I'd just redo it I don't care that show ended seven years ago. They brought V back! I could totally write the Roswell Reboot. Oh yes. I know I can. I know exactly what to do, and I'll share that with you free of charge, isn't that nice. Keep the fundementals the same, okay? If we're doing a movie we need to introduce more sooner. In case you didn't know, we're doing a series, wouldn't you love that a Roswell Movie Series. We need to keep Max falling in love with Tess, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! We need to keep that. Why? So it'll be awesome when he realizes he really loves Liz. We need to make Tess more evil or kill her. And not in some cheesy, see ya later Liz, kind of off screen death. It has to be major. I haven't figured that part out yet, but she should die later...much later. Are we forgetting that Michael has a brother? Yeah, book readers know ...