Writing Groups
Some writing groups are just awful. Here are a few tips on how to loose people in your writing group. If you have members who look young, don't assume a mentor-ship role. Remember you don't know this person, you don't know what kind of behavior would offend them. Kiddo, you remind me of my son/daughter, champ, tiger. (It's condescending, ridiculous and absolutely takes the focus off the most important thing: the work.) Poor communication. If you send four, five or six e-mails to one place and you do not get a response chances are you have the wrong e-mail address. Have the wherewithal to figure that out. People Work. Some writers actually work. The reason why they joined a writing group is because they can't live off of their work. Allow for the person to have some time before writing nasty e-mails about how unprofessional they are because they didn't answer by the deadline that was created. It's selfish to ...